Privacy Policy for WalkSlim – Step Counter

Effective Date for New Users: May 15, 2024

Welcome to WalkSlim – Step Counter, operated by Quntm Technology Group LLC (“we” or “us”). This Privacy Policy details how we collect, store, use, and protect your personal data in connection with your use of our application, referred to as “WalkSlim” or the “Services”. Protecting your privacy is crucial to us, and we are committed to being transparent about our practices and your rights regarding your personal data.


By using our Services, you agree to the collection and processing of your personal data as outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with our practices, please do not use WalkSlim.

Personal Data Collection and Use

We collect the following personal data for the purposes described:

  • Name, Email, and Alias: Provided during account setup for user identification and communication.
  • Age: To verify eligibility for using the Services.
  • Health Data: Includes step count, activity levels, weight, and height for personal health tracking and improvement suggestions.
  • Photos: Uploaded by you to track progress.
  • UserID: Automatically generated to pseudonymize your data for internal use.
  • Device Information: Collected automatically (device ID, operating system, IP address) for app functionality and analytics.
  • IDFA or Android Advertising ID: Collected with your consent for advertising; you may opt-out as detailed in the app.
  • Communication Data: Exchanged with our support to enhance user experience and safety.
  • Onboarding and Subscription Data: Used for integrating your experience across platforms and managing subscriptions.

Acceptance of Terms

Please read and understand this Agreement before using WalkSlim. By using the app, you acknowledge acceptance of these terms. We may update these terms occasionally, with significant changes communicated through appropriate channels.

Medical Disclaimer

WalkSlim is not a licensed medical provider. The app should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. Always consult a healthcare provider for medical issues. We are not liable for any health issues related to the use of the app.

Registration and Eligibility

You must be at least 18 years old to use WalkSlim. You agree to provide accurate information and to update it as necessary.

Use of the App

Your use of WalkSlim is governed by this Agreement and our Privacy Policy. You agree to use the app responsibly and legally.

Legal Basis for Data Processing

  • Performance of a Contract: Data necessary for account setup and service usage.
  • Consent: For processing health data and marketing purposes.
  • Legitimate Interests: For analytics and personalized communications.

Data Security and Retention

We implement safeguards to protect your data, although no system is entirely secure. We retain your data as needed for service provision and as required by law.

Third-Party Services

Our app may link to third-party services. We are not responsible for their privacy practices.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may modify this policy and will notify you of significant changes through the app or other means.

Contact Information

If you have questions or feedback about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at


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