Privacy Notice

This privacy policy outlines the privacy practices for the InteliChat – AI Chatbot application. This policy specifically pertains to the information collected within the application. It aims to inform you about:

  • The personally identifiable information we collect, its utilization, and the parties with whom it might be shared.
  • The options available to you concerning the usage of your data.
  • The security measures are in place to safeguard your information from misuse.
  • How you can rectify any inaccuracies in the collected information.

Information Collection, Usage, and Sharing

As the exclusive proprietors of the information gathered through this application, we solely obtain information that you willingly provide to us via email or other direct communication methods. This data will not be sold or leased to any third party. Our utilization of your information is limited to responding to your inquiries or addressing the reasons for your contact with us. Except as required to fulfill your requests (such as shipping an order), we will not disclose your information to external third parties, except within our organization. If you do not instruct us otherwise, we may use your email address to apprise you of special offers, new products, services, or alterations to this privacy policy in the future.

Access and Control Over Your Information

You retain the prerogative to opt out of any future communication initiated by us at any juncture. You have the following options, which you can exercise by getting in touch with us using the email address or phone number provided on our website:

  • View the data we have about you, if any.
  • Rectify or modify any information we possess about you.
  • Request the deletion of any information we have about you.
  • Express any concerns you harbor regarding our utilization of your data.


We exercise caution to safeguard your information. When you transmit sensitive data through the application, it is secured both during transmission and storage. Any sensitive information collected, like credit card data, undergoes encryption before transmission to ensure its security. You can verify this by observing a lock icon in the address bar and the “https” prefix in the webpage address. While we deploy encryption to protect information sent online, we also implement protective measures for offline data. Solely designated personnel (such as billing or customer service personnel) are authorized to access personally identifiable information required for specific tasks. The computing systems/servers housing such information are maintained in a secure environment.

Automated Data Processing

  • Information about Applications: Details like app name, API key, version, and properties may be subject to automated processing and analysis. Some services also capture the list of installed or running applications and processes on your device.
  • Cookies and Similar Technologies: Usage of cookies and similar tools (e.g., pixels, web beacons, scripts) is employed when you utilize the App. Cookies are small text files downloaded to your device upon accessing the App, then sent back to the server on subsequent uses. This enhances App functionality, aids in understanding user interactions, and refines marketing efforts. Advertisers and partners may utilize these tools for serving content.
  • Log File Information: Every time you request access to the App, log file details are automatically recorded. Analytics tools capture log file data, including start/stop times, interaction patterns, and usage behavior.
  • Ad-Related Data: Pertaining to advertisements, reported data may include serving date/time, clicks, conversions, ad content, type (text/image/video), placement, and user responses.
  • In-App Events: App activity, such as tutorial progress, payments, purchases, custom events, and usage limitations, is automatically recorded by analytics tools.

Third-Party Data Processing

Automated data processing entrusted to advertising or analytics tools is typically beyond our control, absolving us of responsibility for such processing. Certain services may engage in personal data profiling through external technologies not under our jurisdiction. If your user ID is linked to your Facebook account, Facebook may use your device information along with categorized data from its databases. Third-party processing of personal data collected outside our App is not overseen by us; inquiries on this matter should be directed to the respective third parties (see Section IV).

Payment Information

Billing, processing, and charging for in-app purchases are managed by our e-commerce provider (Apple / Google / Huawei). They ensure the security of your personal information, including credit or debit card details. Access to in-app purchase rules and policies can be directly obtained from the app stores.


Our App is not intended for children under the age of 13. Therefore, we do not knowingly collect or solicit any personal information from children under 13. No one under age 13 may provide any personal information to the App. If you are under 13, do not use or provide any information on this App or through any of its features. Do not provide any information about yourself, including your email address. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13 without verification of parental consent, we will erase that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under 13, please contact us.

**Personal Data and CCPA Provisions**

As per the CCPA, California residents hold the prerogative to request:

1. Categories of processed personal data.

2. Sources through which personal data is collected.

3. Purpose behind processing user-specific personal information.

4. Categories of third parties with whom personal data could be shared.

5. Specific instances of personal data, contingent upon request data ensuring credible user identification.

Please peruse this Policy for dedicated sections:

**Personal Data**: Encompasses categories, origins, and processing aims. It’s noteworthy that CCPA excludes de-identified or amalgamated consumer data.

**Data Sharing**: Explores avenues for data sharing. Third-party processors are service providers operating within the confines of agreements and business objectives.

**Opt-Out Choices**: Should you intend to halt personal data processing, communicate with us using the provided contact form. If operational data proves essential, suspending App functionality might be suggested.

**Device Identifiers and Geolocation Data**: Opt-out instructions are accessible within device settings.

**Requests**: To initiate verifiable consumer requests for accessing, transferring, or erasing personal data, use the contact form while including “Preserving Confidentiality Rights in California.” Verifiable requests mandate identity authentication via specific particulars and documents.

– Providing ample data for identity or authorized representative verification, which could include security queries.

– Elaborating your request to ensure thorough comprehension and response.

Responses to verifiable consumer requests aim to be furnished within forty-five (45) days, with extensions potentially notified.

**Equitable Treatment**: Addressed requests will not entail bias or discrimination, refraining from adjusting pricing, products, or service quality. Services might be influenced if personal data erasure is sought.

**Data Sales**: We refrain from selling personal data to third parties.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We may change our Service and policies, and we may need to make changes to this Privacy Policy so that they accurately reflect our Service and policies. Unless otherwise required by law, we will notify you (for example, through our Service) before we make changes to this Privacy Policy and give you an opportunity to review them before they go into effect. Then, if you continue to use the Service, you will be bound by the updated Privacy Policy. If you do not want to agree to this or any updated Privacy Policy, you can delete your account.


If you have any questions about this Privacy policy, please feel free to contact us via


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