Privacy Policy for GoalLeap Habit Tracker

Effective Date for New Users: July 24, 2023

This Privacy Policy outlines how GoalLeap Habit Tracker, operated by Quntm Technology Group LLC (“we” or “us”), collects, stores, uses, and safeguards your personal data related to your use of our application “GoalLeap Habit Tracker” (referred to as the “App” or the “Services”). We take your privacy seriously and aim to explain our practices and your rights regarding your personal data.

By using our Services, you consent to the collection and processing of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our practices, please refrain from using the App.

1. Personal Data Collection and Purpose

We collect the following personal data when you use GoalLeap Habit Tracker and for the respective purposes:

  • Your Name, Email, and Alias: Provided by you during account creation for user identification and communication.
  • Your Age: Provided by you to verify eligibility for using the Services.
  • Your Habit Data: Information related to your habit patterns, goals, progress, and more, which you provide for personal tracking and goal achievement.
  • Photos You Upload: For tracking and visual documentation of your progress.
  • UserID: Generated automatically to pseudonymize your data for internal use.
  • Device Information: Collected for app functionality, analytics, and crash reports.
  • IDFA or Android Advertising ID: Used for marketing purposes with your consent (with opt-out options).
  • Communication Data: Shared with our customer service to personalize support and improve your experience.
  • Subscription Data: Related to your subscription status for premium Services provision and analytics.
  • Relationship Details: Used to manage our service provision and maintain legal compliance.

Acceptance of Terms

Please read this Agreement carefully before using the GoalLeap Habit Tracker app (“the App”). By using the App, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you disagree with these terms, do not access or use the App.

Medical Disclaimer

GoalLeap Habit Tracker is not a licensed medical provider. The App is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before adopting new health-related habits.

Registration and Eligibility

To use the App, create an account and provide accurate personal information. You must be at least 18 years old and legally permitted to use the App.

Your Use of the App

Your use of the App is subject to this Agreement and our Privacy Policy. You are solely responsible for your conduct and content within the App.

Data Sharing and Research

We may use pseudonymized data for internal research or share it with academic partners to improve our Services and contribute to health and habit tracking studies.

Opt-Out Options

You can withdraw consent or opt-out of marketing communications and analytics tracking within the App settings.

Data Security

We employ measures to protect your data, but no system is infallible.

Data Retention

We retain personal data as required for service provision and legal compliance.

Children’s Privacy

The App is not for children under 18, and we do not knowingly collect data from children.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We will notify you of significant updates to our Privacy Policy through the App or other means.

App Stores and Customer Support

Your use of the App is also governed by the terms of the app store from which you downloaded the App.

Compliance with Export and Economic Sanctions Control

You must comply with all relevant export laws regarding your use of the App.

License to Use the App

We grant you a non-exclusive, revocable license to use the App under this Agreement.

User Content License

You grant us a license to use the content you provide through the App.

Use at Your Own Risk

Information from the App is for educational purposes and not medical advice.


Subscriptions are auto-renewing unless managed by the user.

Account Security

You are responsible for the security of your account and personal information.

Service Refusal and Account Closure

We reserve the right to refuse service or close accounts at our discretion.

Cookie Policy

We use cookies for functionality and user experience improvement. You can manage cookie settings and consent.


You can opt-in to push notifications and manage this preference within your device settings.

HealthKit and Google Firebase Integration

With your permission, we integrate with HealthKit and use Firebase for analytics and service improvement.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

This Privacy Policy is an adaptation of the GoalLeap Habit Tracker app and should be reviewed to ensure it aligns with the app’s actual data practices and legal requirements.


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